Frequently Asked Questions

  • The goal of each session is to bring about healing and a positive sense of well-being. The process of each session brings about gentle expansion. This expansion supports the removal of contractive energies that may be blocking the flow of life force and innate healing capabilities. I like to call the process a kind of energetic surgery. We open the field and bring in energies to clear and heal followed by soothing energies to “suture” and seal in the areas that have been opened and released energies. Some clients describe feelings of warmth in the body, senses of peace and relaxation. Following a session I have heard clients express an overall sense of “feeling like myself” with increased vitality and energy. Some people describe light feelings of fatigue in the days following a session. This is quite positive as the body takes the time it needs to integrate the healing energies of the session.

  • As a practitioner I have studied healing for many years and experienced the power of many modalities. Each session exposes a layer for healing. Each layer should be given time to heal and rest to allow the next layer to reveal itself in the right timing. Working within the capacity of the nervous system for each individual and the many parts of the self will reveal itself over time and with each session. It is important not to push into healing in an aggressive manner in order that each individual part may find its way to completion.

  • Yes. Family relationships can reveal held energies in the emotional and physical bodies as family patterns may be some of the most deeply imprinted patterns in our lives. It is known that we inherit ancestral patterns. Yintuition Healing sessions can include contract work, past life work and trauma work. Spirit led sessions set with the intention to address family (or other) relationships can be very helpful in revealing what is ready to be healed and addressing those issues. Focusing on how the body holds the issues is the key to recognizing how they may be transformed and healed.

  • This work can help to support resilience during the process of any illness. I have personal experience with support with the effects from Lyme and co-infections, gut issues, food sensitivities, multiple pathogens and autoimmune issues.

  • Yes. Many clients say that the grounding techniques and meditations used in Energy Medicine sessions support the body to feel more relaxed and at peace. Energy Medicine helps to dismantle issues of daily life and past experiences that may be the root of feelings of anxiety.

  • To create a safe environment of health for both client and practitioner and mitigate the spread of infectious diseases of any kind I have implemented protocols in my office space. We consider our office space to be a therapeutic setting and are committed to the health of each client that we treat.

    We continuously run two HEPA grade air filters in our space for the consideration of all who may be vulnerable to spreadable diseases.

    If desired by either client or practitioner I am able to provide disposable face coverings and hand sanitizer.

    If you have flu like symptoms of any kind please kindly reschedule your appointment.

    All linens, blankets and pillows are cleaned and sanitized for each person I treat. There is little to no crossover with other clients so that between each session there is time to clean and air out the session space.

    My shared office space at 17 South St. Suite #2 2nd floor in Portland, Maine is located in a building with therapy offices. All practitioners in this space are committed to the above protocols.